Investor Update 10

Jurgen Appelo
Agility Scales (archived)
2 min readDec 3, 2019


Dear shareholder and certificate holder,

It has been three months since I put our startup on hold. Sadly, Agility Scales was not able to achieve Product/Market fit before the end of our financial runway. A pivot was sorely needed, and the team was dissolved.

Eric Ries of the Lean Startup describes a pivot as “a change in strategy without a change in vision.” Well, I still have the same vision: organizational change through gamification supported by technology. But the business needs a new strategy for which different ideas and options have presented themselves. For both financial and creative reasons, each of those options necessarily had to begin with a break.

As the largest shareholder and investor, I need a bit of time for financial recovery. I am in the middle of that recovery right now, and I expect to see the end of it in the first quarter of next year. I should then be able to re-invest in Agility Scales and explore the options.

For creative reasons, I also needed a break. I am now entirely focused on Shiftup, a new content initiative. (Remember, Agility Scales is about technology.) My work on this new brand, with new workshops, tools, and exercises, gives me a lot of ideas for the reboot of Agility Scales. When the Shiftup brand takes off, with its focus on continuous innovation, I expect to have discovered new needs for supporting technologies. That’s where Agility Scales may come in.

At this time, I need at least another three months to prepare the relaunch of Agility Scales and to pick from the available options. When that happens, you will be the first to know about the new strategy.

Thanks for your support and patience!




Successful entrepreneur, Top 100 Leadership Speaker, Top 50 Management Expert, author of 4 books, junior in humility.